Worship Services

Worship Services

Worship services are held every Sunday at 10:00am. The Sunday service is traditional in format with hymns, prayers, scripture reading and responsive reading all tying in to that Sunday's sermon topic. A special 'Children's Sermon' is given by the pastor early in the service. Special music is offered by the Sanctuary Choir each Sunday during worship, except for the summer months when soloists, instrumentalists, or other musical groups from the congregation, or community provide the special music. The London First United Methodist Church is blessed to have a beautiful Johnson & Son pipe organ that enriches all aspects of the music ministry. The organ is featured during the prelude, offering and postlude as well as accompanying the hymns, choir, and special music. For those with young children, nursery care is provided during the Worship Service. Services generally last about one hour. At 9am there are Sunday School classes for all ages from youth to adults, as well as a Welcome Center in the Rudorah Parlor where people can gather for fellowship while enjoying coffee and snacks prior to the service.

Welcome Center - 8:45am
Sunday School - 9:00AM for all ages…, Children through adults.
Worship Service - 10:00am

Sermon for Sunday October 20th

Jesus, Priest and King

Given By:
Katelyn Hanna

Old Testament Lesson:
Psalm 91:9-16

New Testament Lesson:
Hebrews 5:1-10

Offertory Anthem:
All Glory Be to Thee Most High

Bulletin of Service