Safe Sanctuary Training
February 5th, 2025
All adults who participate in activities with children in our church are required to have a background check and attend Safe Sanctuary Training. The training lasts 30-40 minutes.The first training will be on Sunday, February 23rd at 9:00am. The second training will be on March 16th, right after church, and there will be pizza for lunch.You only need to attend one training session.......
Lifeline Christian Mission
January 29th, 2025
Here’s how we are going to get involved! Since 1980, Lifeline has partnered with local leaders around the world to help develop holistic solutions to problems faced by vulnerable communities. This ministry believes that sustainable change comes from the community itself. Because within each community are godly, visionary people, problem-solvers, unique resources, a strong work ethic and dreams of ...
Stoker Class - New Study - Eternity Is Now In Session
January 29th, 2025
In Eternity Is Now in Session, bestselling author John Ortberg dispels the myth that eternal life is something way out in outer space that we can only home to experience after we die - and that being saved is merely about meeting the minimal entrance requirements for getting into heaven. Instead, John unpacks the reality that the moment we trust Christ, we are initiated into "eternal living" with...
2025 Calendars
December 18th, 2024
The beautiful 2025 calendars we produced to hand out to those who are new to our community are now available for purchase. The calendars are $10 and proceeds will benefit our youth group. Members of the youth group will be selling the calendars in the Rudorah Welcome Parlor today.The calendars will make nice gifts for anyone currently living in London, or friends and family who may have moved away...
Sisters in the Lord
October 25th, 2024
Praying Women Warriors of Praise and Worship, Sister to Sister, Heart to Heart, Walking BOLDLY with the LORD! Faith, Fellowship, & Fun. Celebrating GOD's Blessings and the blessings of being a Woman of God and letting Our Lights Shine for GOD! We are Sisters in the LORD encouraging and inspiring one another at our Monthly gatherings! "Fuel for the fire!" Sharing the blessings of GOD! Walking Boldl...
Finally, the last stone is set into place
August 28th, 2024
It’s been a long process, and we are all glad to see the cranes, supply trailer, the dumpsterand stacks of stone disappear from the parking lot!!!The crew has been very considerate of our building, and has been easy to work with. This is an example of the original stones that had to be replaced! When you see this, there is no doubt that this work needed to be completed. There is a pile of the ol...
Children's Sunday School
August 28th, 2024
Children’s Sunday School begins September 8!Take the elevator up to the classroom. 9am-9:50amKindergarten through fifth grade students are all welcome!!!......
Video Presentation - Youth Mission Trip to Alaska - June 2024
July 28th, 2024
Video Presentation of the youth mission trip to Alaska - June 2024...
Vacation Bible School
July 19th, 2024
Camp Firelight was the vacation bible school theme for the 2024. Checkout these two videos and mark your calendars for next year's vacation bible school...
Honor and Remember with Altar Flowers
April 12th, 2024
Have you ever wondered how the beautiful flowers appear on our altar every Sunday? London First UMC has a long tradition of having fresh live flowers placed on the altar for worship. Fresh flowers are symbols of the resurrection and new life promised through Jesus Christ and they add much to a meaningful worship experience. Please consider taking part in worship preparation by sponsoring the flowe...
Stone work - Own a piece of our history
March 21st, 2024
Capital Campaign Project Update - Stonework replacement in progress. Own a piece of our history - old stones are available with a contribution to the Capital Campaign....
Servant Leaders for 2024/2025
February 6th, 2024
Servant Leaders for 2024/2025: Church Officers, Administrative Committees and Ministry Teams...
Windows Creations Tour Review
August 14th, 2023
Twenty members of our congregation, including Pastor Dave, boarded a motor coach at 9:45asm to travel to Fort Jennings, Ohio to visit Window Creations Stained Glass Studios.This is the company hired to restore the 130 year old stained glass windows in our church. They are one of the few premier stained glass restoration companies in the country. This costly restoration is being funded through our ...
Men's Bible Study
May 9th, 2023
All men of all ages, come and join our Saturday morning men’s Bible study and fellowship. We meet in the Rudorah Welcome Center every other Saturday at 7:00am. We are presently studying the Epistles (letters) of Paul and other texts between Acts and Revelations. Learn about the early trials and problems faced by the early churches during their formation.The study lasts approximately one hour. Come...
Seeking Volunteers to help with nursery care on Sundays
March 15th, 2023
The Staff Perish Relations Committee has just hired Shelby Geyman as our new nursery attendant. We are looking for volunteers to assist her in the nursery on Sundays. Please contact the church office if you would like to volunteer for this ministry.......
Hospitality Ministry
March 15th, 2023
We are seeking volunteers to provide hospitality in the Rudorah Welcome Parlor. Sharon Brackett makes the coffee. What we need is someone to provide food (donuts, cookies, or other goodies that go well with coffee. If you can’t do the whole month but can volunteer for a specific Sunday, we can work around that. Please contact Gail Baker to volunteer. 740-852-0462, gail@londonfumc.org......
Church Room Rental
March 15th, 2023
Rooms at the church are available for weddings, birthday parties, showers, graduations, organizations, business meetings and more....
Support us Through Kroger Community Rewards
March 15th, 2023
If you have a Kroger digital account, you can opt to support our church through their Community Rewards program. Go to the Kroger website, Community Rewards Page, and search for our church. Select our church and a percentage of your purchases will be sent to our church. There is no cost to you.......
Ministry Need - Youth Group Volunteer
March 15th, 2023
This week our new Director of Youth Ministries, Kate Hanna, will begin regular youth group meetings, and is in need of a volunteer to be with her during youth group meetings 6-7:30pm. She'll be running the program - she just needs another person in room to be in compliance with our safe sanctuary policy. Please let Kate know if you can help.katelyn@londonfumc.org......
Support London First with iGive.com
February 3rd, 2023
Amazon is dis-continuing their Amazon Smile program. iGive is an alternative that you can use for your shopping that will support our church....
Church Newsletter