Honor and Remember with Altar Flowers

Have you ever wondered how the beautiful flowers appear on our altar every Sunday? London First UMC has a long tradition of having fresh live flowers placed on the altar for worship. Fresh flowers are symbols of the resurrection and new life promised through Jesus Christ and they add much to a meaningful worship experience. Please consider taking part in worship preparation by sponsoring the flowers.
Altar flowers are used throughout the year to enhance the worship experience in the church Sanctuary. Individuals or families may sign up for any given week to provide altar flowers. These flowers are donated by congregation members. They are a wonderful way to honor a special occasion (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, holidays, etc.) or remember loved ones and friends who have passed away.
Please check with Gail Baker in the church office to reserve a date to provide the altar flowers. You are responsible for ordering the flowers from London Florist, or you may pick flowers up and bring them to the church on Sunday morning by 9:30am.
Altar flowers are used throughout the year to enhance the worship experience in the church Sanctuary. Individuals or families may sign up for any given week to provide altar flowers. These flowers are donated by congregation members. They are a wonderful way to honor a special occasion (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, baptisms, holidays, etc.) or remember loved ones and friends who have passed away.
Please check with Gail Baker in the church office to reserve a date to provide the altar flowers. You are responsible for ordering the flowers from London Florist, or you may pick flowers up and bring them to the church on Sunday morning by 9:30am.