Sisters in the Lord
Praying Women Warriors of Praise and Worship, Sister to Sister, Heart to Heart, Walking BOLDLY with the LORD! Faith, Fellowship, & Fun. Celebrating GOD's Blessings and the blessings of being a Woman of God and letting Our Lights Shine for GOD! We are Sisters in the LORD encouraging and inspiring one another at our Monthly gatherings! "Fuel for the fire!" Sharing the blessings of GOD! Walking Boldly where He leads! Sisters On One Accord with the LORD! On the 2nd Saturday of each month from 1-3pm the Sisters In The Lord (a gathering of Christian women of all denominations) meets at different locations in London. Locations will be announced when the schedule is set. Lunch is provided, fun door prizes, and a speaker, but most important is Praise and Worship of our Lord and King. If you have questions about this group, see Mikki Budd. All women of the church are welcome to attend. No reservation required.
The first Saturday of each month, everyone is encouraged to meet at the flag pole at the Madison County Courthouse at noon to PRAY for our Community.
The first Saturday of each month, everyone is encouraged to meet at the flag pole at the Madison County Courthouse at noon to PRAY for our Community.